
Cross Easy can be played with a controller or mouse and keyboard. A future console release is in the works, but don’t expect anything from it until well after the initial PC/Mac release. If you wish to use a controller on your computer, simply plug it in, go to the settings and select “Controller Mode”.

Cross Easy’s controls are very simple. You really only need to move and interact with some objects.

How the game works

Cross Easy’s difficulty comes from your ability to quickly adapt to fast moving changes, and reading patterns very quickly. Everything in Cross Easy will instantly kill you. There is no health. You have one chance to dodge all of the obstacles.

Stepping off the edge of the path will also result in death. So, be careful!

In this video you can see one example of the many patterns and challenges to accomplish. In this level, the player must reach the shield in the middle. That shield gives them a short immunity to poisonous clouds, which the player needs to cross into the next half of the level.

At the start of any game you start with 5 lives. Once you are out of lives, you have completely lost that map. Each map contains 5-7 levels. There are many obtainable extra lives throughout the game.

Extra Life

Dying will reset you and your team (if playing online) to the last checkpoint you reached. In order to lose a life all players on your team must die. You will not respawn until after all players have died, or one player on your team reaches a checkpoint.

Online Play

Online you can play with up to 5 people in one lobby. This is absolutely the best way to play Cross Easy. Due to the difficulty of the game, solo play is not recommended.

Our lobby system allows players to host and join lobbies.

Inside the lobby, the host will begin the game once enough players have joined.

The current game modes are “Classic” and “Versus”, with more modes to come in the future. In Versus mode, rather than being on one team, players can compete in 1v1 or 2v2 races.

Player Stats

Each player has their own personalized stats. Stats are stored for each map in versus and classic mode separately.

The main stats page gives an overall view of your data. The most important being “Mazes Completed”.

“Maze Stats” show information about each maze for that player. The progress label shows how many levels you have completed, versus how many levels that maze contains. This tab also shows the difficulty level of each maze.

Selecting a maze from this list will open a more detailed menu, showing you just how well you’re doing.